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The following is a list of the terms of service that govern the use of Please read the below page carefully, as by using the website you are agreeing to abide by these terms. Please check this page often, as Mandy T Skincare may change or modify our terms of service at any time without notice.
Information and Content
All material present on whether text, video, audio, or any other form is subject to intellectual property rights such as copyright, trademark and other property rights. This material is property of the respected owners. All rights are expressly reserved. Reproducing, copying, manipulating, or using this information without the prior written consent of the legal owner of such material could result in civil or criminal prosecution.
Personal Use is designed for personal, non-commercial use. We would like to inform you that using any material or information from our site for any non-personal purpose could be considered illegal and may result in criminal or civil prosecution.
Mandy T Skincare will not be held responsible in the event that you encounter material that you deem offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable.
Errors, Mistakes and Missing Information
Despite our tireless efforts, Mandy T Skincare cannot guarantee that our website will be completely free of errors and misleading information. In the event of an error or other content related issue, Mandy T Skincare reserves the right to correct such error without notification. Mandy T Skincare also reserves the right to cancel any order that may have been made under the pretense of such error. In the event where an order is canceled, but has been paid for, the user will receive a full refund.
Customer Feedback
Please note that all customer feedback given to Mandy T Skincare shall be considered the property of Mandy T Skincare. This includes all customer communication, testimonials and contact information. By releasing this information to Mandy T Skincare, you are hereby giving Mandy T Skincare the non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, and unlimited right to reproduce, modify, publish, translate and distribute such material in any way deemed appropriate by the management of Mandy T Skincare
Taxes will be calculated based on the laws of the jurisdiction in which the product is scheduled to be delivered.
Use by Minors
To purchase a product from Mandy T Skincare you must be the legal age of majority as stated by the law of the jurisdiction in which you reside.
Payment Agreement
By purchasing a product from Mandy T Skincare you are agreeing to pay any and all charges associated with the purchased product.
Shopping Limitations
Mandy T Skincare reserves the right to limit quantities products. Mandy T Skincare also reserves the right to eliminate products from our website, cancel orders or prohibit access to certain pages at any time.
Product Use
Mandy T Skincare shall not be held liable for any damages resulting from the misuse of any product. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the customer to read all product instructions carefully, to use the product strictly for the purpose it was designed for, and to ensure that the product is used in a safe and reasonable manner. Mandy T Skincare shall not be held responsible for any damages that occur due to an allergic reaction, or as the result of any other unforeseen occurrence.
Website Operations
Website Safety
Mandy T Skincare or any affiliated party is not responsible for any damages, either in contract, warranty, tort (including passive or imputed negligence), product liability, strict liability or other theory, that may result from the use of our website.
Service Availability
Please note that the services provided by Mandy T Skincare are available only on an as is and as available basis. Mandy T Skincare is not responsible for any and all losses, whether direct or indirect, exceeding the price of the goods purchased.
Outbound Links
Mandy T Skincare may link to websites outside the control of Mandy T Skincare. Please understand that a link should be in no way considered an endorsement of a website. Mandy T Skincare cannot be held liable under any circumstances for any damages that may occur as a result of a user visiting a page through an outbound link.
Unlawful Use
It is illegal to use Mandy T Skincare for any illegal or destructive purpose. This includes any use of the website that could result in damaging, disabling, overloading or in any other way compromising the website.
Accessing or attempting to access information not intentionally made available to you is illegal and may result in civil or criminal prosecution.
User's Rights and Responsibilities
Misrepresenting your identity while using will be considered a clear violation of our terms of service and may result in you being banned from the website and possibly civil or criminal prosecution.
User Responsibility
As a user of, you are responsible for any monetary charges resulting from your use of the site. These fees include any claim, cause of action, demand, including but not limited to, legal, accounting and any other fees that result from the use of the website.
User Right to Termination
You must agree to these terms of service in order to use If you can not or decide you do not want to agree with the Terms of Services displayed on this page, you are prohibited from using this website and should leave immediately.
These terms of service in combination with our Privacy Policy represent a legally binding agreement between the user and Mandy T Skincare. This agreement shall replace all prior oral and/or written communication between the user and Mandy T Skincare. If a conflict is to occur between a previous, present or future agreement and the above terms of service, the terms of service will have precedence, unless clearly noted in the prior agreement.
In the event that one or more of the provisions of Mandy T Skincare terms of service is regarded as unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue to be in place and enforced to the greatest extent of the law.
Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions regarding our terms of service.
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